Online Comments, Complaints and Compliments Form

Click here to access our online Comments, Complaints and Compliments form

We are committed to providing high quality and safe educational and support services for our students and the community. If you have a comment, complaint or compliment we want to hear from you. In some cases, it may not be possible for us to take any action on the feedback unless content of the feedback can be verified.

Can I provide feedback anonymously?

Yes you can. However, it is not possible for us to provide a response or feedback unless we have contact details. Sometimes we need to verify the content of the feedback before any action or investigation can be undertaken.

If I provide my contact details, how will my privacy be maintained?

TAFE Gippsland collects personal information from our clients in many ways. In each case the privacy of the individual is paramount. We are required to maintain the privacy of individuals in accordance with the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 and the Victorian Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 and we comply with our legislative requirements at all times

Will my feedback be acknowledged?

If you wish to receive feedback or a resolution in relation  to your issue, you will need to provide us with an email, phone number  or postal address when you submit your feedback.

Who can I contact regarding my feedback?

The Manager Quality and Audit is TAFE Gippsland’s nominated contact for all complaints or feedback. If you have issues you wish resolved please contact TAFE Gippsland via the Feedback link provided above, call the Manager Quality and Audit on 03 5150 4262 or complete the Comments, Complaints and Compliments  form and submit it: by email to, in person at any campus, or mail it to the Postal Address provided at the bottom of this page

What information will you retain regarding my feedback?

Any documentation provided as part of your feedback or collected during an investigation or your claims will be retained securely in accordance with Public Records Office, Victoria, Authority for Higher and Further Education Institutions.

Can I access information retained in relation to my feedback?

Yes you can. You will need to make this request in writing. You will be provided with access to this information if you have previously provided your contact details in relation to the feedback.

How can I provide feedback about my experiences while studying at TAFE Gippsland?

A survey is available to all enrolled students to provide feedback about their experiences while studying with us and this will be distributed at the conclusion of your studies.

We use this feedback to help improve the quality of our training programs and associated services.