Board of Directors

The Board of Directors comprises ten Directors who all individually share a commitment to TAFE Gippsland and its mission to provide a valuable and integrated technical and further education service to industry, the community and the Victorian Government.

Paul Buckley
Board Chair

Michelle Dowsett
Ministerial Appointed Director

Alison McClelland
Ministerial Appointed Director

Darren McCubbin
Ministerial Appointed Director

Meghraj Thakkar
Ministerial Appointed Director

Angela Hutson
Co-opted Director

Christine Trotman
Co-opted Director

Joanne Brunt
Co-opted Director

Rod McLean
Staff Elected Director

Laura Macpherson
Chief Executive Officer

Role of the Board

The governance of TAFE Gippsland is provided by TAFE Gippsland's Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is responsible and accountable for:

  • governing in a manner that ensures TAFE Gippsland is efficiently and effectively managed
  • ensuring the population of the area is effectively served with technical and further education that best suits their needs
  • providing adult, community and further education services which are responsive to the needs of industry and the community as well as ensuring that all of its statutory obligations are met.

In administering appropriate governance the Directors ensure that the Board provides a clear direction for TAFE Gippsland and ensures its sustainability and viability into the future.

Executive Officer to the Board

To ensure the highest level of effectiveness the Board's activities are coordinated and managed through a Board Secretary.

The Board Secretary provides advice, advocacy and administrative functions to the Board and ensures that the Board is enabled in its activities through the provision of services and support mechanisms of the highest possible standard.

Communication with the Board and its Directors is through the Board Secretary.

The  Board Secretary can be contacted at

Would you like to provide feedback

We are committed to providing high quality and safe educational and support services for our students and the community. If you have a comment, complaint or compliment we want to hear from you. In some cases, it may not be possible for us to take any action on the feedback unless content of the feedback can be verified.

Click here to access our online Comments, Complaints and Compliments form

Executive Leadership Team

The TAFE Gippsland Executive is the prime leadership group responsible and accountable for establishing the leadership goals, direction and performance of TAFE Gippsland. The primary goal of the leadership group is the development and implementation of strategies that will increase the entrepreneurial and business acumen of TAFE Gippsland.

Laura Macpherson
Chief Executive Officer

Nicola Belcher
Chief Operating Officer

Geoff Stephens
Chief Financial Officer

Linda Austin
Director Educational Delivery

Brad Beach
Director Strategy, Quality and Learning

Justin Fallu
Director Student Experience

Jeff Pentney
Director People and Culture