Avid bird-lover Scarlett Jessep recently lived out her dream, participating in work experience at the Melbourne Zoo.

A Lakes Entrance Secondary College and TAFE Gippsland Animal Studies student, Scarlett thought she would try her luck applying for the prestigious work experience placement, which only accepts 25 students a year.

It was no surprise to Scarlett’s Animal Studies teacher Sue Fratczak, herself a former zoo-keeper, that she was accepted as one of the coveted few to participate in the program.

“Scarlett has an amazing rapport with birds and also works part-time at a large pet store. I can’t see her doing anything else in her future career than working with animals or birds,” she said.

While birds are Scarlett’s main interest, she was keen to gain some experience with some of the larger animals.

“I wanted to do work experience at the Melbourne Zoo to get a glimpse of the different kinds of roles that are present in the zoo field and what the requirements are to get into such a field of work,” Scarlett said.

“I got to participate in every role, ranging from primates, to carnivores and ungulates, the wild seas exhibit, to invertebrates and birds, reptiles and native animals.

“I even got to participate in horticulture and retail, getting a glimpse at all the behind-the-scenes details such as the warehouses, animal dens and workspaces.

“I got to clean, prepare food, feed, provide enrichment, engage in conversation and so much more.”

Scarlett’s teacher and her Animal Studies classmates were excited to hear all about her adventure when she returned to the TAFE classroom.

“Our Animal Studies program at TAFE Gippsland at this level covers off the basics of animal care and husbandry and is a starting point for sparking greater interest in our students to further their studies,” teacher Sue said.

“What Scarlett gained during this work experience is the zoo’s strong emphasis on conservation, education, breeding programs of endangered animals and of course direct access to live captive animals which we obviously can’t replicate!”

Sue’s advice to students wanting to work with animals, but think the Melbourne Zoo is a bit out of their reach?

“Dream big and keep trying for your dream, don’t give up. Volunteer, learn all you can and badger your teachers at school to help,” she said.

“Make sure to take biology as a subject and spend time in the natural world if possible, whether that’s fishing, birdwatching or even just playing with your own pets. And of course, come and enrol in Animal Studies at TAFE!”
Scarlett is now clear, she wants to become a zookeeper after completing school.

“After working at the zoo for work experience, I discovered my goals are to become a zookeeper working with the animals hands on,” she said.

“I would like to work in every field of animal care as well as horticulture, and teach the public about conservation, the importance of taking care of the environment, how to protect our animals, provide information about their beautiful species and the places they thrive in.”

Scarlett Jessep working at Melbourne Zoo

TAFE Gippsland Animal Studies student Scarlet Jessep participating in work experience at the Melbourne Zoo.