Pathways are the journeys we take through different education and training options before we arrive at our desired career destination.

In 2019, 85.6% of VET graduates were employed or enrolled in further study after training (VET student outcomes 2019, NCVER).

Go your own way at TAFE Gippsland

There are many learning pathways you can take on your way to any career destination. Your learning pathway may consist of an apprenticeship or traineeship, university, employment or a promotion.

At TAFE Gippsland, we aim to empower and guide you to develop your own pathway. If you decide vocational education is for you, we offer a range of courses aimed at different levels to achieve different goals.

University pathways

Transitioning directly to university can be daunting with new learning styles, faces and academic challenges. TAFE Gippsland offers a pathway that eases this transition, with recognition of prior learning allowing credit for studies already completed. TAFE training gives you the practical skills and the theory behind them, making you better prepared for further university studies.

Other common pathways

Students come to TAFE Gippsland from many different starting points. It’s never too late or too soon to start something new or make moves to get ahead in the workplace. Our learning pathways can meet your needs and give you greater possibilities, no matter where you’re moving from.

What pathways are you interested in?

  • Pathways to TAFE Gippsland from secondary school
  • Pathways to university from TAFE Gippsland
  • Pathways to further study at TAFE Gippsland
  • Pathways to work.

Not sure which pathway is right for you? Read this article for some tips on how to choose the right career for you.


Free TAFE pathway courses

More than one Free TAFE enrolment is allowed in the following pathway courses within the same sector.

For example: Students who have completed a pathway course under Free TAFE can do another Free TAFE course in the same pathway

Visit the Free TAFE page for more information.

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