
The Reconnect Program strives to support Victorians experiencing disadvantage. The program assists participants to overcome the barriers preventing them from engaging in education and training and provides support into further study or employment pathways. Some of these barriers may include lack of confidence, financial barriers, disability including mental health challenges, lack of linkages or networks in the community, a history of disadvantage or you may have trouble in navigating systems or processes to start you work or study journey

The program provides an individualised service to each eligible participant to help them get back on track, build resilience and the capacity needed to successfully transition into formal learning and employment in a sustainable way.

Reconnect participants will be provided with wrap-around supports helping to identify future goals, steps to work towards them, addressing any challenges and skill gaps, whilst building resilience and confidence to chase their dreams.

Eligibility for the Program

YOUNG PEOPLE: Aged 17-19 years and not engaged in education or training for six months or more (not engaged is defined as studying or working less than eight hours per week).

Participants must either have a written exemption from school or have a Transition From School Form approved by the appropriate authority in order to formally exit school and to be eligible for Reconnect.

MATURE PARTICIPANTS: Aged between 20-64 and unemployed for six months or more (working less than eight hours per week) and not engaged in education or training for six months or more (studying less than eight hours per week).

YOUNG PEOPLE IMPACTED BY JUSTICE SYSTEM: Young people (17-24 years of age) who have been or are currently on Youth Justice Orders.


  • Individuals or dependants of individuals who meet the following criteria:
    • hold any humanitarian, protection of refugee visa in Australia; or
    • have applied for a humanitarian, protection or refugee visa and hold a bridging visa for this purpose; or
    • have made an application under s. 417 or s.48b of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth) which is yet to be determined and hold a bridging visa.
  • Individuals must have a VISA with study rights, and work rights are required for programs that include work placement.

OUT OF HOME CARE: Aged 17-64 - A person that has a current or previous experience with Child Protection.

PRIORITY COHORTS: The participation requirement of not being engaged in education or employment for six months or more (less than eight hours per week) is overridden in the latter eligibility groups of, youth justice and asylum seeker and out of home care cohorts.

Additional consideration can be requested for persons impacted by bushfires, COVID-19 or retrenched workers etc.

Submit a reconnect referral

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Funding for the Reconnect grant program is being provided by the Victorian Government, through the Department of Education and Training. The Reconnect Program is a Victorian Government initiative being delivered by TAFE Gippsland.
